MUJI HOTEL BEIJING gives a wonderful view of Tiananmen Square, and the area retains the atmosphere of China’s spectacular court culture. In addition to the World Heritage sites, this corner of central Beijing has parks where you can enjoy mixing with the locals who make the park a part of their ordinary everyday lives. There are also narrow hutong alleys that provide a glimpse of the old Beijing lifestyle in traditional siheyuan courtyards. Some of the shoe and tea shops date back to the Qing dynasty, and there are traditional sellers of steamed buns, shrouded in clouds of steam. Today, they stand side-by-side with intimate, modern-day cafes specializing in pour-over coffee. Beijing is constantly changing. Embark on a city walk here,and you'll uncover the many facets of its surroundings. This comfortable abode serves not only as a welcoming place to rest but also as an ideal base from which to launch your adventures in Beijing.


West No.2 Bldg, Langfang toutiao No. 21 Yard,
Meishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China

tel. +86 10 6316 9199


Sleep is the foundation of every trip, whether it be for business, sightseeing or long-term stays. We imagined a space offering exceptional relaxation, in which guests enjoy indirect lighting that releases tension and guides one to comfortable slumber, mattresses that afford the ideal firmness to suit each guest’s preferred sleeping position, gently enveloping post-soak bath towels, and so on. Choose from the following six room types.


MUJI HOTEL BEIJING is situated in the historic old Beijing district located 450 meters from Tiananmen Square. The expanse of Tiananmen Square stretches out before the hotel, and World Heritage sites such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven lie just a walk or bicycle ride away. The hotel’s interior design retains the atmosphere of traditional Chinese architecture, featuring bamboo, a standard building material used in China since ancient times, and recycled bricks taken from the surrounding area undergoing redevelopment.